FEATURING: Four presentations covering the following topics: Juglans regia seedlings from Ukraine, insect pests on nut trees, establishing a hazelnut orchard in Eastern Ontario and native, introduced and naturalized oaks in Eastern Ontario. These presentations will be followed by a very brief ECSONG AGM. There will be opportunities to network and converse with old friends during the snack/coffee break.
COST: FREE: All are welcome.
DATE: Saturday, January 25, 2025 from 1:00 to 4:30 pm.
LOCATION: Kathy Ablett Room, Hunt Club-Riverside Park Community Centre,3320 Paul Anka Dr, Ottawa. This community centre is in McCarthy Park close to the intersection of McCarthy Road and Paul Anka Drive.
SNACKS: Beverages (tea, coffee, juice and water) will be supplied by ECSONG; members are asked to bring some item, preferably nut-based, as a potluck snack during the coffee break.
WHEN: Thursday, Mar 13, 2025 TIME: (9:30am registration) 10:00am to 4:00pm
COST: Registration at the door $25.00 includes pizza lunch
WHERE: Simcoe Experiment Station Hall, 1283 Blue Line Rd at Highway 3, Simcoe, ON N3Y 4K3. From Hwy 3 on the east side of Simcoe, drive north to the open gate turn left to the parking area and side entrance.
Map Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/QdoDPjS5KJuWv9gT8
WHAT: A day of presentations from professionals, farmers, and hobbyists. All members and visitors are welcomed to attend. The only prerequisite is an interest in nut growing.
Speakers will include guest speakers on a variety of nut crops and good farming practices. We are hoping to have a guest speaker from the Savanna Institute to discuss the research they are beginning on nut crops in cold climates.
(Anyone wishing to speak at this day long nut growing adventure are welcomed to call: Bruce Thurston at 519-740-6220 or Linda Grimo at 905-934-6887.)